Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds

Overcoming blackleg disease in canola through establishment of quantitative resistance

Non-race specific resistance against blackleg disease of Brassica napus canola, known as adult plant resistance (APR), is a quantitative trait controlled by multiple genes. The APR trait is highly durable against the blackleg pathogen Leptosphaeria maculans (Lm), although the nature of causative APR genes is not known.

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Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds

Towards better understanding of genetics in Leptosphaeria-Brassica interactions via international collaborations to standardize the nomenclature of blackleg resistance genes

The best approach to manage blackleg disease is the use of canola cultivars that are genetically resistant to the pathogen. However, cultivars that contain the resistant (R) gene(s) against the most prevalent pathogen race(s) are more likely to be effective in controlling blackleg disease. Among the various tools developed from this and other similar projects, markers for race determination of blackleg pathogen and markers that determine the type of R gene in canola cultivars have the most practical and immediate benefit for canola farmers by helping them to achieve both goals.

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Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds

Increasing abiotic (drought) and biotic (clubroot) resistance in Brassica species (Arabidopsis and Canola) by modifying auxin response

This project focused on increasing our knowledge on plant host-clubroot pathogen interactions by determining if reducing the ability of the pathogen to use the plant hormone auxin (responsible for cell grow, division and expansion in the plant) would reduce clubroot disease progression, particularly at the gall forming stage.

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Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds

Defining populations of Plasmodiophora brassicae with near isogenic Brassica napus lines

The differential lines will provide canola pathologists and breeders with an extremely valuable tool for assessing the effectiveness of resistance. They will be made available to the canola industry for variety development, which will ensure that Saskatchewan producers have a diverse range of clubroot resistant cultivars to select from.

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Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds

Identification and genetic mapping of novel genes for resistance to blackleg in Chinese and Canadian Brassica napus varieties

Genetic resistance is considered as the most efficient method for control of blackleg. Previous research results indicate that both Canadian and Chinese B. napus varieties could carry novel genes for resistance to blackleg. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and map the unknown R genes in the canola varieties.

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Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds

Manipulating recombination in crop polyploids

There is a pressing need to improve productivity of crops, in order to maximize yield without further expanding arable land. The ability to make further crop improvements relies on the introduction of novel allelic variation, one such source being related species; however, interspecific barriers to recombination limit the transfer of new variation into crops.

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Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds

Addressing yield stability drivers of canola in a changing climate using high throughput phenotyping

The tools developed and verified through this project will enable efficient development of resilient varieties. The results support potential of canola digital phenotypes to field-scale agronomic applications. The expansive data sets and samples generated through this project are and will be used in various research projects, extending the utility of grower-invested research dollars.

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Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds

Pre-breeding lines combining canola quality with sclerotinia resistance, good agronomy and genomic diversity from PAK93

Seed of PAK93-based pre-breeding lines will be more attractive to plant breeding companies than the original germplasm such as PAK54, primarily because it will be faster to develop hybrid varieties that combine the desirable traits from PAK93-derived lines with other important traits such as herbicide tolerance and resistance to the diseases, blackleg and clubroot.

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Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds Pre-breeding Tools SaskOilseeds

A proteomics-based approach towards identifying host and pathogen proteins critical to clubroot establishment in canola

The proposed research will deliver knowledge and tools to improve utilization of existing clubroot resistant cultivars and to accelerate the discovery of new clubroot resistance genes, with the anticipation of exploring broad-spectrum and durable clubroot resistance that will be highly beneficial to breeders and growers of canola and other Brassica crops.

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