Research Overview
SaskCanola invests in research on behalf of growers to advance the canola industry and solve issues related to canola production. We collaborate with partners at provincial and national levels to share project costs, knowledge, and expertise to make efficient use of grower dollars. Joint participation on shared objectives means levy funds generate more and better results that have a broader impact for the entire industry.
Nationally, in 2023-24 SaskCanola committed funding of $4.2M towards 42 new projects and made additional payments of $3.0 M for 81 ongoing projects.
In 2023-24, SaskOilseeds worked with partners to secure additional funding of $21.1 million for a total budget from all funders of $25.3 million to be invested in new canola research over the next 5 years. This means for every levy dollar invested in canola research, SaskOilseeds leveraged another $5.01.
526 Research Projects
Since 1991 SaskCanola has funded 526 research projects to support canola growers in the province. These investments have substantially improved the productivity, profitability, and sustainability of the Saskatchewan canola industry.
Funding Straight Cutting
SaskCanola funded research that supported the industry’s shift towards straight cutting, including developing genetics (pod shatter resistance and dropped pod reduction), and identifying agronomic factors that validate this management approach.
Blackleg Research
Our investments in blackleg research over the past decade have helped growers minimize yield losses, maintain the effectiveness of resistant canola varieties, and reduce market risk.
Pest Management
In March 2021, Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) released its final special review decision on clothianidin and thiamethoxam, two important seed treatments farmers use to protect their emerging canola crops from early season pests. SaskCanola was instrumental in funding research that demonstrated very low levels of neonicotinoids in provincial water bodies. Because of this provincial water monitoring data, PMRA’s final decision found that current use of these products by canola farmers does not pose an unacceptable risk to aquatic invertebrates, and that product use can be maintained for seed treatment on canola in Canada.
Clubroot Distribution Map
SaskCanola was instrumental in the creation of a clubroot distribution map for the province as a first step in understanding invasiveness and methods for control. The clubroot monitoring program has shaped the industry’s understanding of clubroot prevalence and contributes data to defining the location of the disease, effectively arming growers with knowledge of the potential risk on their farms.
Agricultural Sustainability
SaskCanola is working with industry partners to quantify Saskatchewan’s agricultural sustainability story. For example, data on long term soil carbon sequestration is being used to build understanding with government and other regulatory agencies about canola’s contribution to greenhouse gas reduction efforts.
Growers’ Net Returns
SaskCanola has contributed to improving growers’ net returns by developing new products and uses for canola oil and meal in food and non-food markets.
Aquaculture Production
SaskCanola helped fund extensive research determining that canola’s amino acid profile, protein digestibility, and oil are well suited to aquaculture production. As a result, canola meal has become an important ingredient in aquaculture diets around the world.
Healthy Choice
SaskCanola supported research that quantified the nutritional benefits of canola as a healthy fat choice. The organization recognized the importance of sharing this information with consumers through the development of CanolaInfo.org, which is now used in global marketing initiatives by the Canola Council of Canada.
Dairy Industry Efficiency
Extensive research demonstrated that including a high level of canola meal in dairy rations resulted in reduced methane emissions and an improved environmental footprint of milk production. This research further demonstrates the important role that canola meal plays in supporting efficiency in the dairy industry.
Tools and Resources
SaskCanola’s research has helped to provide necessary data to create tools and resources for Saskatchewan canola growers. You can find these tools on the Agronomy Resources page.