Canola Levy & Refunds
A 75 cent ($0.75) per tonne levy on Saskatchewan produced canola is collected by buyers at the time of sale and then forwarded to SaskCanola.
*Note: Saskatchewan canola producers should always check their grain tickets to ensure that the appropriate levy has been assessed. Canola levy is based on the province in which the crop is grown and not on the farm or business address.
Levy Investment
With your financial support, SaskCanola is able to invest in issues that directly impact your farm operation. We encourage you to review the work that SaskCanola has been able to accomplish with levy dollars, including:

Levy Refund
Your levy may be refunded annually upon request and is based on your canola sales for the period of August 1 to July 31.
Application Process
Contact our office (phone call or email only) and we will send you the current year’s levy refund application form. A separate application form must be submitted for each producer or business requesting a refund. The form must have a personal name or business name, complete mailing address and a signature. Unsigned forms will be returned. If you are mailing your application form, phone the number on the form to confirm receipt.
Application Deadline
Applications for refunds may be submitted to SaskCanola anytime during the crop year (August 1 to July 31), and must be received no later than 4:30 pm on August 31 of the year in which you are requesting your refund. The deadline for refund applications is extended to 4:30 pm on September 3, 2024 this year due to the long weekend. By regulation, SaskCanola has no authority to process a late application.
Withdrawing Your Levy Support
Without your levy support, SaskCanola is less able to invest in issues that impact you on your farm. We encourage you to talk with us about your decision to apply for a levy refund. It affects your farm, your crop, and our province.
Levy refunders are not eligible to vote in SaskCanola director elections, nor can they vote at our Annual General Meeting. They are also ineligible to claim research tax credits.