Market Development Overview
SaskCanola shares the message of canola oil, meal, and biofuel in Canada to increase domestic consumption.
Our research demonstrates that:
Canola oil contains the least saturated fat of any cooking oil, making it one of the healthiest options available, making it ideal for use at home and on a commercial scale.
SaskCanola is actively engaged in increasing Canadian consumer awareness of canola oil through strategic provincial and national alliances.
Canola meal has a nutritional profile ideally suited for livestock rations, and as a result, it is a widely used ingredient in North American livestock feed and aquaculture diet formulations.
Canolamazing.com has many resources for producers and nutritionists, including the canola meal nutrient profile, feeding guides, research directory, and library.
Canola is a high quality domestically sourced, sustainable biofuel feedstock that plays a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in transportation fuel.
CCGA and CCC are currently participating in the development of the federal Clean Fuel Standard in which canola biofuels would play an important role.