Agronomy Resources
SaskCanola works strategically with the canola network to bring Saskatchewan canola growers the resources and tools needed to optimize canola production and profitability on their individual farms. SaskCanola’s research investments help farmers make decisions that are smarter, more productive, and more sustainable. Results of this work can be found in the resources below.
Insecticide Options
In a collaborative publication, SaskCanola, SaskBarley, Sask Pulse Growers and SaskWheat cover insecticide options for 2024 so growers have information in one place.
Agronomy Guides
These PDFs are filled with information to help you identify and understand insects and diseases, in-season agronomy, and control losses during harvest and storage.
Translates research into agronomic knowledge that farmers and agronomists can use to grow better crops. Sponsored by SaskCanola.
Canola Tools
Minimize your risk and maximize your profitability with this suite of canola tools, including: calculators for seeding rate & seed cost, target plant density, blackleg yield loss and harvest loss, plus a combine optimization tool and a canola counts survey.
Canola Digest
A joint publication of the provincial canola grower groups and the Canola Council of Canada. Mailed quarterly to all Saskatchewan canola growers.
Canola Encyclopedia
The complete guide to growing canola in Canada. Learn more about every major factor affecting canola yields and profitability.
Canola Research Hub
Translates agronomy research findings into tangible, on-farm practices. Funded by the provincial canola grower groups, the Canola Council of Canada, and the Canadian Agricultural Partnership.
Canola Watch
Free, unbiased, timely, and research focused canola production newsletter. Distributed weekly during the growing season, monthly during the winter. Canola experts from across Canada contribute to this resource.
CCC Agronomy Team
Act as a conduit from the research community to the agronomy community on Canadian canola production issues.
Disease Testing
SaskCanola offers disease testing programs to help farmers identify incidences of clubroot and blackleg on their farm for optimal prevention and management.
Keep It Clean
Provides growers with resources to grow market-ready crops. A joint initiative of the Canola Council of Canada, Pulse Canada, Cereals Canada, Barley Council of Canada, and Prairie Oat Growers Association.
Herbicide Carryover
In a collaborative publication, the staff of SaskCanola, SaskPulse and Sask Wheat cover herbicide carryover risks and considerations for growers following drought conditions.
Prairie Crop Disease Monitoring Network
Provides timely information about crop diseases on the Prairies and highlights effective disease management approaches. SaskCanola is a co-funder.
Prairie Pest Monitoring Network
Provides farmers with weekly Prairie insect and wind forecasts, risk maps and protocols. Collaborative research project that SaskCanola co-funds.
Split Nitrogen Applications
This collaborative document was produced by SaskCanola, Sask Wheat and the Western Applied Research Corporation (WARC), to support growers who are currently participating in, or considering future participation in the Commissions’ on-farm trial programs.
Sprayers 101
Provides farmers with knowledge and resources for best practices in the safe, efficient, and effective operation of agricultural sprayers. Sponsored by SaskCanola.
YouTube Channels
For canola research and agronomy video resources, visit:
Verticillium Stripe or Blackleg?
A field scouting guide for canola producers: Is it verticillium stripe or blackleg? Click to download our PDF guide.