A proteomics-based approach towards identifying host and pathogen proteins critical to clubroot establishment in canola

Term: 4 years, beginning in 2020
Status: Ongoing
Researcher(s): Chris Todd, University of Saskatchewan
SaskCanola Investment: $250,010
Total Project Cost: $500,020
Funding Partners: Western Grains Research Foundation

Project Description

The proposed research will deliver knowledge and tools to improve utilization of existing clubroot resistant cultivars and to accelerate the discovery of new clubroot resistance genes, with the anticipation of exploring broad-spectrum and durable clubroot resistance that will be highly beneficial to breeders and growers of canola and other Brassica crops.


  1. Identification of Pb effectors using a BiolD-based method in Arabidopsis.

  2. Screen of putative Pb effectors in transgenic Arabidopsis.

  3. Targeted analysis of root hair cell (RHC) and root cortical cell (RCC) proteomes of clubroot resistant and susceptible canola.

  4. Assessment of differentially expressed canola proteins for association with resistance/susceptibility to clubroot.


Enabling Canola Protein Optimization (ECPO)


Cloning clubroot resistance genes from B. nigra and transferring the genes into canola through a CRISPR/Cas9 based technology