Canola Market Outlook: May 9, 2022
Weekly canola market outlook provided by Marlene Boersch of Mercantile Consulting Venture Inc.
Key Points for the Week:
Soybeans - For the week beans closed down sharply July was down 66 cents per bushel but remain strong compared to a year ago. Markets remain extremely volatile.
Funds were sellers of soybeans.
Crush margins for soybeans and canola remain excellent although slightly weaker on rumours that Indonesian palm oil exports would soon resume.
COVID-19 is a big problem in China and traders consider this could reduce protein demand.
We have a new WASDE report on Thursday which will be watched closely particularly the USDA’s early estimates for 2022/23.
The corn/soybean ratio favours corn planting rather than soybeans even though fertilizer prices are higher.
Statistics Canada reported their estimate of March stocks at 3.94 M tonnes which was lower than the trades estimates.
Oil represents a record share in the crush margin which we feel over values new crop canola.