Cash Advance Program

For over 30 years, the Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA) has helped to finance the operating cash flow needs of Western Canadian farmers through administering the Advance Payments Program (APP). The APP is a federal government program made available through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). SaskCanola is a member of the CCGA and has three director representatives on the CCGA Board.

Why should you choose a farm cash advance from CCGA?

  • $1,000,000 available to all farmers, which includes:

    • Up to $100,000* interest-​free for all eligible commodities

    • Interest-bearing portion at prime rate less 0.25%​

  • 50 eligible commodities, including all major field crops and livestock, as well as organic crops and cattle

  • Up to 18-month repayment period on all crops, honey, hogs, lambs, sheep and goats

  • Up to 24-month repayment period on all cattle and bison​

These low-interest rates lower your cost of production, which allows you to stretch your own dollar further. The added farm cash flow also gives you more time to execute your grain marketing plan. You can sell when the time and price are best for you.

How can you apply?

CCGA offers a number of ways to apply for a cash advance, including: