Board Election 2024


Patricia Lung, P.Eng, MSc.

Lake Lenore, SK

Follow: @AgGeers

Farm Operation Information
Born and raised in agriculture, I now represent the 4th generation on a commercial and seed, grain and oilseed, operation north of Humboldt, SK. My husband and I, with our three children, farm just over 3200 acres in a family partnership. Our cropping rotation consists of cereals, pulses and oilseeds. We are involved with extended family in Lung Seeds Ltd. where we actively work to advance the research and development of seed varieties.  As Professional Engineers both my husband and I balance off-farm employment with the demands of active farm production to bring innovation and excellence to our farm operation.   

Related Experience
I hold an undergrad degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alberta and a graduate degree in Agriculture and Bioresource Engineering from the University of Saskatchewan. I am a member in good standing with APEGS as well as APEGA. I am an involved producer, passionate about agriculture, community and my family. I have served on a number of volunteer committees with APEGS, as well as Council, since joining in 2003. I have almost 25 years’ experience in engineering; more than15 years involve project management where over 11 of those years were with an agriculture research organization. Demonstrating fiscal responsibility and accountability whether to my project clients, employer, or farm operation are high on the list of values that I bring to all my engagements

Areas of Expertise
Project Management, Training Development, Strategic Planning, Financial Management, Team Development, Risk Management, Process Audits, Farm Audits; Environmental Policy Research, Agriculture Policy Research, Agronomic and Equipment Studies; Bioenergy Process Studies, Biomass Logistics, Agri-Value Research

Opportunities/Challenges for Oilseed Growers
I cultivated my passion for agriculture and policy by serving on the SaskFlax Board and supporting the amalgamation into SaskOilseeds. The opportunity to direct more levy dollars to full farm research and sustainable agriculture practices that benefit the long-term success of Saskatchewan producers is realized through the amalgamation. Challenges are having a voice loud enough to withstand the arms length influences of government policy that indirectly hampers the productivity of our family farms.