Demonstrating benefits of seeding date and rate on canola yield and quality
Early seeding typically results in better yielding crops, especially for canola, barley, wheat, peas and oats (Weir, 2019). But not all crops can be seeded early. This demonstration aims to show producers how their canola crop may have performed differently based on seeding date.
Demonstrating the Efficacy of Foliar-Applied Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria for Canola
The project objective was to demonstrate the effects of commercially-available, foliar-applied nitrogen (N) fixing bacteria products on the yield and seed quality of canola grown under varying fertility levels and contrasting environments.
Exploiting susceptibility genes in canola to improve blackleg resistance
This proposed research aims to study new resistance modes of action based on S genes in canola and potentially develop novel R resource for sustainable management of blackleg in western Canada. This study will tap into a unique diversity-rich TILLING canola population…
Understanding the role of the clubroot pathogen kinases in disease progress and resistance
Clubroot is a devastating disease putting at risk the Canadian canola industry. Nowadays clubroot management heavily relies on the use of clubroot resistant varieties. However, the current reality is that the resistance is being rapidly overcome by P. brassicae1, calling for new and well understood sources of resistance.
Capturing ancestral diversity for developing climate ready canola
The project will identify new diversity that ensures the long term sustainability of the canola crop; specifically it will target traits that have been linked to generating a more environmentally aware and climate responsive plant, through increasing yields…
Digging out the unknown: Finding the resistance against verticillium stripe in canola
The main objective of this project is to use genome-wide association studies to identify resistance in B. napus against the Verticillium longisporum pathogen, which will directly provide resistance sources for breeding programs in the control of verticillium stripe disease.
Quantifying combine auto-adjust capabilities in canola
In a previous 2019 study, the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) completed a survey of canola harvest losses in Western Canada to identify harvest factors had an impact on combine losses.
Revising the crop nutrient uptake and removal guidelines for Western Canada
The nutrient uptake and removal guidelines for crops in Western Canada were last revised in 2001 by the Canadian Fertilizer Institute (CFI). This project aimed to develop new nutrient uptake and removal guidelines for 14 annual crops grown in Western Canada, based on measurements taken from straw and seed samples.
How does in-row seed spacing and spatial pattern affect canola yield?
When it comes to canola seeding rate and row width, think of your crop as a solar panel. Using crop imagery, researchers have found that canola yields are maximized with seeding rates that result in early ground cover that is maintained throughout the growing season.
Monitoring the race dynamics of Leptosphaeria maculans for effective deployment and rotation of resistance genes for sustainable management of blackleg of canola in Western Canada
For specific R genes to be effective in management of blackleg, it is essential to understand the pathogen race composition and changes in different regions. The analysis of Avr-gene frequency in the L. maculans population provides an important guidance to the selection of effective R genes in blackleg resistance breeding…
Monitoring the canola flower midge within pheromone-baited traps
The canola flower midge, Contarinia brassicola, is a recently discovered insect pest of canola widespread across the Prairies. Damage results when larvae feed on developing flower buds which prevents the flowers from opening and forming pods.
Do we need deep banding of phosphorus in no-till systems in the Canadian Prairies?
Maximizing crop yields given the weather variability that is commonly experienced in the Canadian Prairie is an important component of improving economic potential of grain cropping.
The Prairie Crop Disease Monitoring Network: Fostering further network development
The outputs and deliverables of a PCDMN companion ADF and AFC project encompass a wider range of stakeholders including researchers, extension staff, producers, agronomists/consultants, producer groups, industry, and provincial and national organizations related to plant disease monitoring.
Advanced N management for canola, wheat and soybean: Evaluation of a new biological for N-fixation in non-legumes
The environmental impact of crop production has become a critical aspect of market access and crops produced with a low carbon footprint have a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.
Strategies to build sustainable P levels and optimize water use efficiencies on low P soil
Saskatchewan soils are among the lowest in North America with respect to available P levels. Reasons for this observation includes uncontrollable factors such as soil parent material, however, present agricultural practices have also contributed to low soil P values.
Evaluation of the root-associated fungus Olpidium brassicae and its interactions with Plasmodiophora brassicae
New knowledge of the impact of clubroot infection on the diversity and composition of the root and rhizosphere microbiome in canola. Clubroot is one of the biggest threats to the canola industry in Western Canada…
Exploring novel seed-treatment options to mitigate the impact of blackleg on canola
In addition to via wounds on cotyledons and lower leaves, the study found that early blackleg infection can occur also via roots. Seed treatment with several new products, including Fluopyram, Saltro and Bion, may help lower the risk of infection…
Insect response to climate change and ag inputs across the Prairies
Insect pests pose a significant risk to field crop production on an annual basis, with each crop potentially affected by multiple insect pest species each year. This project will conduct experiments and collect new data on important insect pests.
Understanding the effects of crop rotation on soil organic carbon stabilization
Soil organic matter (SOM) plays an important role in soil health and sustained soil productivity. Increasing soil carbon (C) storage is beneficial for soil health, mitigating rising atmospheric CO2 concentration and off-setting greenhouse gas emissions from crop production systems.
Glyphosate- or Auxinic-Resistant Kochia and Russian Thistle Prairie Surveys
By determining the rate and extent of evolotion or spread of GR or auxinic-resistant kochia since the initial baseline surveys we conducted, we can better advise producers of the risk, potential agronomic and economic impact, and best management practices to mitigate or manage GR or auxinic resistance kochia (and other species if found).