Response of Canola and Flax to Humic acid coated P fertilizer (MAP) rates

Term: 1 year ending 2024
Status: Completed
Researcher(s): Gursahib Singh, ICDC; Robin Lokken, CLC; Chris Holzapfel, IHARF; Mike Hall, ECRF
SaskCanola Investment: $41,200
Total Project Cost: $41,200
Funding Partners: N/A


  • Response of Canola and Flax to Humic acid coated P fertilizer (MAP) rates


Environmental conditions were adverse for canola/flax production due to widespread drought and heat stress at all trial locations. This study provided valuable insights into the applicability of humic acid MAP in our current agricultural practices. However, the bulked nature of tissue P samples impedes the ability to draw precise conclusions about whether there was an enhanced phosphorus uptake in canola and flax when utilizing humic acid. The results indicate variability in plant responses across locations and treatments, emphasizing the complexity of factors influencing crop performance. Based on one-year trials, no noticeable plant density and yield improvements were observed by treating MAP fertilizer with humic acid. Further research with a more targeted approach is recommended to comprehensively understand the potential benefits of humic acid-coated MAP fertilizer in Saskatchewan agriculture.

Full Report PDF: Response of Canola and Flax to Humic acid coated P fertilizer (MAP) rates

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