Development of a Tool for Rapid Analysis of Glucosinolate in Canola Meal

Term: 5 years, beginning in 2018
Status: Ongoing
Researcher(s): Bogdan Slominski, University of Manitoba
SaskCanola Investment: $320,000
Total Project Cost: $763,740
Funding Partners: NSERC, Botaneco Inc., Canadian Biosystems Inc.

Project Description

This research will promote the use of these important Canadian feed resources, effectively in animal nutrition. A comprehensive database on the chemical and nutritional profiles will be generated and specifications on the digestible energy and available amino acids and P contents for poultry and swine will be developed. This, in turn, would reduce input costs for the producer and N and P losses into the environment.


  1. To develop preliminary NIR calibrations for glucosinolate content of CM using the existing Canola Survey samples (calibration set),

  2. To collect and analyze more CM samples for glucosinolate content by GLC (verification set plus transfer set),

  3. To verify the developed calibration models with the verification set. If necessary, the improvement of the NIR calibration will be performed,

  4. To validate the calibrations, transfer of the calibrations to other NIR instruments using the transfer set and test the second set of instruments with the verification set.


Practical Oilseed Protein Products


Process adaptation and assessment of market development constraints for protein products from cold-press, GM canola meal