Buckley: A Biochemical Test for Low Seedling Vigor in Canola

Date: October 2003
3 years
Status: Completed
Researcher(s): Dr. Wayne T. Buckley, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Brandon MB
SaskCanola Investment: n/a
Total Project Cost: n/a
Funding Partners: n/a

Project Summary

Seed deterioration is the major cause of poor vigor in canola seedlings, which can reduce seedling emergence, crop establishment and yield. After studying the biochemistry of canola seed, researchers have developed two 24-hour vigor assays based on ethyl alcohol emission by canola seed that can reliably detect deterioration of canola seed. Vigorcheck is an on-farm colour test, while Vigorscore is an instrumental technique suitable for use by agri-business.

Seed germination, seedling emergence, and crop establishment are important aspects of agricultural production, and are the main components of seed/seedling vigor. These factors are related to early growth of the crop, and may be related to resistance to early-season stresses and final yield. In canola seedlings, seed deterioration is the major cause of poor vigor. Deterioration is caused by aging, which may be accelerated by poor seed quality, poor storage conditions and pesticide seed treatments.

Current vigor tests vary in reliability and in their applicability to individual crops. Canola was one crop for which a reliable vigor test was not available. Poor vigor canola may be particularly susceptible to early season stresses such as cold, insects and weeds. Since vigor changes with time, the vigor of seed should be tested shortly before planting. The inability to detect the deterioration of seed lots before planting was a major concern for canola growers.

The objectives of this study were to investigate the metabolism of canola seed and seedlings and, if possible, use the results of the investigation to develop a new vigor test for canola. Three major areas of investigation were included in the research: sulphur metabolism, fatty acid oxidation, and carbohydrate fermentation.

The results of the canola biochemistry research showed that a substantial amount of ethyl alcohol was given off by low vigor canola seed. A trace of ethanol could even be detected by smell. Based on these results, researchers have developed and released two 24-hour vigor assays based on ethyl alcohol emission by canola seed. Researchers validated the reliability and accuracy of these vigor assays through laboratory and field measurements.

W. Buckley

The first assay designed for on-farm use is a colour test called Vigorcheck. Canola seed and water are added to bottles, shaken and set aside at room temperature for 24 hours. Yellow, and colors between yellow and blue, indicate good quality, while blue indicates seed deterioration.

W. Buckley W. Buckley

The second assay, Vigorscore, is an instrumental technique that is suitable for use by agri-business. It is similar to the color assay except that results are measured electronically and numerically. A third 24-hour laboratory assay, Vigor Prophet-Canola, has since been developed for predicting loss of vigor in stored canola seed.

Scientific Publications

Buckley, W.T. and Buckley, K.E. (2009). "Low - molecular - weight volatile indicators of canola seed deterioration." Seed Science and Technology, 37(3), pp. 676-690.


24-Hour Assays for Canola Seed Deterioration. AAFC. 2008

A 24-h assay for predicting loss of vigor in stored canola seed. AAFC. 2009

Prediction of canola seedling establishment from seed quality tests. AAFC. 2009.

Full Report PDF: A Biochemical Test for Low Seedling Vigor in Canola


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