SaskOilseeds advocates for farmers during canola demand crisis
March 17, 2025 - Time is of the essence, Canadian farmers' livelihood is at stake. Both SaskOilseeds and the Sask Crop Commissions urge the Canadian government to immediately engage with Chinese officials to resolve impending tariffs ahead of a probable federal election. Skip to 9:50 in this RealAg interview to hear SaskOilseeds' Chair Dean Roberts weigh in on the canola demand crisis (interview from March 13th). Click here to listen to SaskOilseeds’ director Margaret Rigetti interview (from March 18th) with CBC’s ‘the Current’ on Canadian farmers being collateral damage, facing tariffs on two fronts.
Canola is a significant contributor to Canada’s economy and the livelihood of approximately 40,000 Canadian farmers, as part of an industry generating $43.7 billion annually. China is the second largest market for Canadian canola with exports of canola seed, oil and meal valued at $4.9 billion in 2024.
Resource: Markets & Statistics - Profiles of Canada’s leading canola markets
March 8, 2025 - Canola industry responds to imposition of Chinese tariffs on Canadian canola meal and oil
March 8, 2025 - Canadian grain farmers threatened by trade war on two fronts with the U.S. and China
SaskOilseeds is a core-funder of the Canola Council of Canada and a member of both the Canadian Canola Growers Association and Grain Growers of Canada. Together, we continue working closely with the Government of Canada and other industry partners as additional details continue to be released.
Media Contact:
Ellen Grueter
Communications Manager