Verticillium Stripe Workshop

On February 10, 2022, we held a virtual research workshop that presented the culmination of four years worth of verticillium stripe research projects (in which SaskCanola invested $739,940). If you scroll down, you can watch a recording of the workshop and you can also view a sneak peek of the new Verticillium Stripe video that will be launching Spring 2022! In addition, Jay Whetter, Canola Watch editor, wrote a comprehensive article about his learnings from participating in the workshop.


Welcome & Introductions
Speaker: Doug Heath, Research Manager, SaskCanola

Verticillium Stripe: An Agronomist’s Perspective
Speaker: Justine Cornelsen, Agronomic & Regulatory Services Manager, BrettYoung Seeds

Verticillium Stripe Disease: An Emerging Threat to Canadian Canola Investigated to Mitigate Through Research
Speaker: Dr. Dilantha Fernando, University of Manitoba

Genetics and Genomics of Brassica-Verticillium Interaction
Speaker: Dr. Hossein Borhan, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada

The Next Challenge: Verticillium Stripe – Evaluating Disease, Host Resistance and Interactions with Blackleg
Speaker: Yixiao (Becky) Wang, PhD Student, Plant Pathology Lab, University of Alberta

The Aftermath of Hybridization: Parental Genome Interactions in the Brassica Pathogen Verticillium longisporum
Speaker: Dr. Jasper Depotter, University of Cologne (Germany)

Live Q&A

This workshop was brought to you by the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Canola Council of Canada, Alberta Canola, and SaskCanola.


SaskCanola Research Priorities Survey


Canola Agri-Science Research Cluster Request for Letters of Intent